This right here? Just over 1/4 of the total length.
I think I need a taller gallery.
I ordered a sewing machine a few days ago, and it came in the day before yesterday. I made some curtains and a pillow for my room. No pictures yet, but I'll take some soon (I always say that, don't I?).
I also got my studio set up at school. It's nothing terribly fancy, but I mostly sew and knit, and I don't need all of the stuff that the painters do. I need to get a case for my machine so that I can bring it with me to work, but I haven't found one that both fits the machine and my price range yet. I think a trip to JoAnn Fabrics is in order.
I want to put something on the walls, but my body of work is only about *that big,* and none of it is recent/two dimensional.
My classes are going well. I'm busy, but hanging in there. Anatomy is a chore though, and Textile science is remedial. We answer questions like "Where does cotton come from? Is flax an animal or plant fiber? Why do textile manufacturers need to know about textiles?" (yes, those are all direct quotes from the class or my text book).
Well, I'm off to work some more on the thesis show. Really, having it be put off is a blessing. It'll give me more time to untangle myself from this Scarf of Doom.
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