Wednesday, January 11, 2012

At Last

Currently Reading: Broken
Currently Watching: Pan Am

First, I moved. Then my camera battery died and the charger went AWOL. Then I had nothing to photograph on because my lovely model (aka, foam head) was still at my parent's house. And in between all of that, my subject itself went missing for about two months.

But at long last, I have finally managed to not only photograph but upload the pattern for my Qubecois Pride hat.

The pattern is available for free on Ravelry.

1 comment:

  1. The famous I know I had that before I moved...yu are not alone, I have had similar experiences and my last move was 10 years ago and I am still searching for items. Modern technology, batteries. However, look at the work that one would need to do to use 35mm and post it.
    Nice hat. Looks nice and warm.
