Mom, Dad and I went to the Good Guys car show in Columbus today. 4,000+ classic cars. Squee! A lot of people think I'm pretty girly, because I like to knit and crochet and make frothy, foamy girly dresses, but I'm also a bit of a tomboy. I love cars, especially Chevys from 1958-73. The Impala is my favorite (1960 model, to be exact), but I don't discriminate (except against Ford).
The Good Guys show is one of the largest in the country, and attracts people from all around. I saw license plates from Texas, Ontario, and...Hawaii? Somehow, I don't think they drove all the way to the show.
The weather was good, but we did get about an hour of storms and afterwards it was pretty muggy, especially in the main area of the show, which was all paved with no trees or anything to provide shade.

While we where there, I was introduced to a few new car models that I'd never seen before, like this 1965 Belair. It was for sale for such an awesome price too. I did my best to talk my dad into buying it for me for Christmas/Graduation/Birthday (for the next three years!) but he didn't bite even though he was drooling over it too. I didn't even know that they made Belairs that late--I was only familiar with the boat-like version form the 50's that my dad drools over.
There was also a 1963 version that I think was even nicer (I'm a sucker for the fins; I like the line) and was for sale/"interesting trade." He didn't bite on that one, either. Shucks.

Sadly, this is the only car I got to take home. It's a '68 Corvette. Mom and I sat behind it while we took our rest break around noon, and I started sketching it. Not bad, considering I've hardly drawn so much as a stick figure in the past year (Who me, an art student? What are you talking about?).
Maybe I am a girly-girl after all. Do you know what I bought? Earings. Pewter earings shaped like tape measures with a thimble, a pair of scissors, and a button hanging from them.
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