Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Have Been Remiss

That adorable little demon is Hermes, our almost six month old kitten Alice and I (well, technically, just me) picked up as an end-of-term, we-made-it-through present to ourselves. He is utterly adorable, even when he's doing something he shouldn't (like sticking his head in our water glasses, which he does every chance he gets. Our dishes have doubled since we got him). He's absolutely spoiled rotten, and about the sweetest thing you ever saw.

He's deffinately a writer/knitter's cat. His favorite toys include: Yarn, Whatever I'm knitting, knitting needles, and pencils/pens. If you leave a book open and it doesn't lie flat, he'll swat the pages. If they do lay flat, then he'll lay on top of them. He's extremely cute, even when he's swatting me in face at six am because he thinks it's time for breakfast. He's the only cat I've had/lived with that gets spoiled this bad--a can of cat food in the morning and then dry through the day. We've had to ration him because he's a little piglet. We thought that the bag of dry food was up out of the way, but Alice walked into the laundry room to find him inside the bag. His whole body.

Oh, and he doesn't meow unless he's scared (like in the car). Otherwise, he squeaks or trills.

God is he cute.

Anyway, I've been remiss in other things, not just sharing photos. I figured I'd share my New Years Resolutions/Goals with you all.

Resolutions are things that take a lot of work and are intended to be life-long habits. Goals are things that while they might take a lot of work, can be checked off a list as "done" at some point.

1. Update the blog at least twice a week.
2. Journal at least three times a week.
3. Keep better track of finances
4. Work out a little (just stretches, sit ups, etc) every morning (well, except mornings I have to up super early. So about five times a week).
5. Update Etsy shop twice a month.
6. Eat Healthier (starting this afternoon. Chunky Monkey is a good breakfast right? I has dairy, nuts, and bananas in it. Right? RIGHT?)
7. Go to the Y more and get in shape.

Okay, so maybe 4, 6, and 7 could be combined, but whatever.

1. Finish/polish Fortuna Mulibris and send to a publisher.
2. Submit at least one short story to a magazine.
3. Save enough money for a down payment plus two months lease on a Toyota Yaris.
4. Get health and car insurance. (Stupid family plan runs out in May, when I graduate. Which means I get to spend spring break having my wisdom teeth removed. What joy.)
5. Read 52 books (three down so far, and I'm reading four at the moment).
6. Graduate with Honors.
7. Make Presidents list (3.4 gpa) for second half of senior year
8. Make thesis show a success.
9. Go someplace on my list. (there are 42 places in the world that I want to visit. It shouldn't be hard to pick one and go there)
10. Either go to grad school (probably Miami U) or move out of state.

Hm. Looks like a busy year.

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