I turn 21 tomorrow, but we celebrated yesterday by inviting family and neighbors over. Mostly, I got cash (just the way I like it), so today I went out to spend it.
I got three old French primers from my great-great aunt who recently passed away (I only met her once and we never spoke; mostly I knew her son and his wife. They found the books while cleaning out her house a few weeks ago). I collect old books, and I love French, so they passed them on to my willing hands. I picked up some thread (I have lots of colors but no white thread? How did this happen?), some sour patch because I am addicted acid--citric acid, that is. Can't get enough sour candy, and these were on sale at CVS. Lastly, I went to one of my favorite DVD stops (Walmart. Got to love the $7.50 DVDs). I love digging through the sale bins at Blockbuster and Walmart for movies. There's lots of crap to laugh at, but every once in a while you'll find some gems. This week that have patriotic DVDs on sale for $8, so I picked up The Great Escape (*sigh* Can I go back to 1963 and get me some young David McCallum?), as well as a double feature disk of The Secret Garden and A Little Princess, which were two of my favorite books/movies growing up. Hey, two movies for $7.50? I'll take that!
I also got my "adult" driver's license today--the horizontal one with the yellow bar at the top. I don't care about drinking (I could do that in Canada and in Italy, and I didn't enjoy it that much, so what's it matter here), but the new card is nice and shiney, and I won't have people asking me where the expiration date is anymore (well, to be honest, that hasn't happened since I was 17, just after they implemented the whole under-age vertical license thing, but still).
And I have to say thanks to YarnHead over on Ravelry. I was asking questions about silk hankies in the Beginner Spinning group, and she PMed me to say she had a few "just lying around," and would I like them. Hello? Free silk? Yes please! Those arrived today, about half a dozen I think, so thanks so much to her.
Oh, and the rest of the cash? I bought 8 oz of undyed alpaca online this morning. I'm in fiber heaven. I made a resolution to not buy new yarn until I'd used up everything in my stash, but it doesn't count if I just by fiber, because that's not yarn, see? And I have to spin it all up before I can order something new, which mean it takes me longer to work through it all.
I can rationalize anything. Especially birthday purchases.
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