Monday, April 7, 2008

Vader for Prez

There's hasn't been much going on around here--the only things I could write about would involve me complaining, and we don't want that. For this reason, this will probably be a short post.

I started a new crochet project last night, but I'm going to have to frog it because as Alice pointed out, it could fit an elephant. I shouldn't be doing all of this crocheting, but I can't help myself. I haven't crocheted in forever it seems, and I really miss it. I have been making use of my new mits, though. I'm wearing them right now, in fact.

Parts 1 and 2 of the new podcast episode are up. I am still looking for anyone who can tell me how to record about an hour of sound on Garageband.

In the Newsreel episode, we are encouraging everyone to boycott the Olympics. Anyone with access to the news (non Chinese state news, that is) knows about everything going on with China, Tibet, Sudan, and Darfur. Please join us in our protest.

Another bit of activism we have planned is this: we want as many people as possible to write in "Darth Vader" for president this fall. Our goal is to make the news, and get a least a percent of the vote, even if it is only one half of one percent. I'll be posting Mr. Vader's platform shortly over on the shownotes.

I'll have some more pictures and info and such soon. We're working on finals right now, and two weeks from today Alice and I fly back home. Hopefully, in about two and a half weeks, you'll have an update from my home.

Oh, and many thanks to LeFeeCrochet over at Etsy who gave us permission to use her Darth Vader amigurumi pattern as a mascot for our campaign. We love you and your designs! (I may have to go back for the Yoda pattern...)

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