Thursday, January 3, 2008

3 flights, 2 days, 1 headcold, 0 showers later...

We arrived in Amsterdam around 7:20 am yesterday. We got something to eat, changed clothes, and then waited for our next flight. The airport was huge, but not as huge as Boston.

My grasp of European geography is sketchy at best. We never covered it in school, except a little when we studied WWII. This was best exemplified when we ordered our plane tickets, and I thought that Amsterdam was a city in Germany.

I'm hoping to correct this problem while I'm here.

In Amsterdam (which is NOT a city in Germany), they speak equal parts Dutch and English, with a lot of French thrown in. Depending on what is being said, the phrases they put over the loudspeaker in the airport often sounded like the bastard child of French and German. It's really cool; I could listen to it all day.

At last, we made it to Edinburgh. After being awake for 56 hours, we went straight to bed. I picked up a headcold on one of our flights, and was on this weird Dutch cold medicine. I was so dizzy and messed up.

We laid down for two hours, but I was having trouble settling down to sleep, so I went down to the hostel pub for some soup. It was potato leek. The Japanese have a belief that leeks help colds. I don't know if it's true, but I'll take all the help I can get. It was good, but really salty. I didn't notice much change with my cold.

Edinburgh is the cutest city I have ever seen. I love the stone houses, and the age, and the cobbles. The castle is awe inspiring, and I've only seen it from a distance. From SouthBridge, you can see mountains. REAL mountains.

Tomorrow I will take lots of pictures. But today is for resting. I still have 56 hours to make up for. And I need to get rid of this cold. I'm afraid that if it gets much worse they won't let me on the plane to Italy.

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