Monday, May 20, 2013

A Proposal and a Rejection

(No, not that kind of proposal. Sorry, Mom.)
Well, it finally happened. I sent it out.

Over the weekend, I bit the bullet and sent the book proposal for CENSORED to two different publishers. In about 24 hours, I had a response from the larger of the two. It was a very polite and encouraging “no.” Still, I am grateful for the suggestions that the editor made, and I’m not at all surprised at the response. A book with that much profanity in it is hard to market to a general audience, and while I would rather work with a traditional publisher to produce a print book that can reach a wider audience, I know that my concept will not appeal to everyone and that they have to consider all of their clients and readers, and their future relationship with them.

I’m still waiting to hear back from the second publisher. I’m a little more hopeful about that one, since it’s a small press, but I also strongly suspect that they will have a similar response.  If I’m right, then it’s not the end of the world. I’ll simply begin the process of self-publishing the patterns, and eventually combining them  into an e-book. It will take longer, but it will give me more control and I’ll be able to work at my own pace—if I feel like taking a break in the middle and working on a pair of socks, or designing something that doesn’t include illusion, then I’ll have the luxury to do so.

But of course, that is all contingent on publisher #2 and how they feel about the book.

Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts about my uncle. I was able to talk to him on the phone the other day, and he seems to be doing okay. Not taking care of himself, but he's recovering and as much as I would like to I can't beat him over the head until he stops smoking or changes his diet or just rests long enough to have time to heal. Still, I appreciate the well wishes and I know that he does to. Thanks.

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