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Monday, July 22, 2013

My handle on life broke.

Every time I start to think I'm get a hold on things, getting my finances in order, the house cleaned up, health problems kicked to the curb--something always decides to swoop in out of the aether and knock my down a step or two. Or a whole flight.

The last couple of days have been like that. This weekend was rough. More than a little. Nothing life threatening or permanently damaging, just one of those weekends where crap just kept happening and I couldn't catch a break. Things are starting to even out, but it's going to be a while before we're back to "normal" and in the mean time I'm frazzled, exhausted, and pretty much at the end of my rope.

On the bright side, as I'm writing this, our house is cool enough that I've turned off two of our fans for the first time in ages. I'm enjoying the (relative) quiet (there are still at least three running, plus the dryer). I'm drinking my favorite English tea. I'm nothing if not contrary.

Today, I needed some comfort. How about you?


  1. Sorry to hear you had a rotten weekend! Tea can help, as I've discovered during my stay here in London. Keep Calm and Carry On.

  2. Without milk, I hope. Might I be so bold as to suggest a hibiscus infusion. I think they call it Jamaica on the West Coast.

  3. Tea is a wonderful substance. I have a cup of Madagascan Vanilla tea every morning to get myself into the best of mind-sets. Doesn't always help though, as I often find myself on the edge by about 30 minutes into work.

    But I guess that's just the nature of my job.
