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Friday, June 21, 2013

Broken Break

If you've been following my Twitter at all, then by now you've probably gathered that the laptop is still out sick. My tech has been dropping like flies lately; just this afternoon my wireless keyboard and mouse died on me, so I had to walk down to Office Max to get a replacement.

I still don't have any word on what is wrong with the laptop (according to the shop, nothing is wrong with it and there's absolutely no reason for it to keep giving me the blue screen and shutting down, let alone doing it three or four times a day and doing a full system restore without any prompting or error messages).

I have managed to cobble together a workable connection on the desktop, but it tends to go in and out. Mostly I've been using it to get on Ravelry and check my email. Honestly, it's been nice to take a mini-break from blogging. It seems I have to take one 2-3 times a year to recharge the batteries. Since I have no idea when (or if) the laptop is coming back, I figure I better use my meager signal to put together a few blog posts. I'll try to get back to a normal schedule next week. I've got a couple of events coming up this weekend that you'll get to hear about (or see, or read, or however you choose to interpret it). 

I'll also have a couple of announcements next week--namely a contest. :) Details on Monday. Hint: It involves a pattern and some yarn.


  1. I love it when people say "there's nothing wrong" with a device that is obviously malfunctioning. My MacBook crashes at least once a week...

    Anyway, hope it's better soon and you enjoy your enforced break.

    1. Heh, want to trade? I have great luck with Macs. PCs start malfunctioning when I walk into the room!

  2. Like when I used to repair televisions (remember when they could be repaired?), I'd show up at the house and the TV would work perfectly. Sometimes a customer would drop off a set (radio or TV or stereo) we'd connect it and use it -- sometimes for weeks without a problem. I hate those kind of problems because there is something not working properly and it needs repaired. The other tech hate is doing something unknown or unconsciously and repair the problem.

    I bet your PC is running Windoze.

    I wish you all the best at getting your PCs running correctly.

    I won't rub it in, but LINUX just works (Kinda like the Energizer bunny)
    @Richard -- unusual that you have a problem with an Apple product.

    1. I'm convinced that my tech is just shy--it always behaves itself for other people, but not for me. I think I'm going to switch the laptop over to Linux when/if I get it back.
