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Friday, May 24, 2013

Look, a Distraction!

What day is it? I've lost track. My internal calender is broken. On Saturday I thought it was Tuesday, and Monday I kept thinking it was Friday. Clearly sleep is in order.

I do have knitting to show you, but photos won't get taken until this weekend. In the mean time, may I present early color footage of London, 1927. Someone shared this over on Facebook, and I could watch it over and over again:

London in 1927 from Tim Sparke on Vimeo.


  1. Oh, this is lovely. And I'm just going to have to share this on!

  2. That is a great video. Not many early color movies survived.

  3. Amazing! The colour is so soft. It's a shame that much footage like this is so rare. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Wow! Is this original color? Or drawn-in color?

    1. It was actually recorded in color. The guy who recorded it was a developer of an early color process, though it apparently did not catch on as well as some other color filming techniques. If you click on the original link, it explains that there was some digital enhancement done to correct some skipping that was the result of the process (and age).
