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Friday, April 5, 2013

In Which Time Escapes the Author

Wait, it's Friday? When did that happen?

I've been putting in some longer hours at work the last couple of days, and this weekend I'll be working in a different (much more stressful) area. I've lost track of a lot of things this week. Even though it's finally starting to warm up and get sunnier, I feel like the weather has taken a toll on me. I'm tired all the time. Clearly I need to up my vitamin D intake. Or caffiene. One of the two. Possibly both.

I do have craftiness to show you, but since this week got away from me I don't have photos. Maybe tomorrow when the sun is shining, I can get a mini-photo shoot in.

And some more sewing.

And work on the plethora of household chores that have gotten away from me, too.

It is now 10:21. How did that happen? I swear I just got home a few minutes ago...

1 comment:

  1. It is very easy for things to get behind or out of hand. I find it all the time. There are not enough hours (at least un-sleepy ones) in the day to get everything done.

    Take a day off and go have some fun in the sun.
