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Friday, April 19, 2013

Finishing Friday

It's getting to be crunch time. Seven days from now, I'll be in Cincinnati for Steampunk Symposium.

Wednesday I spent all day sewing, attempting to get our costumes finished. Missouri has a lovely skirt, and the bulk for my Victorian walking dress is done, it's just waiting on buttons and trim--which my end up hand sewn on Friday night in the hotel room. (Is it scary or just sad that I'm contemplating bringing my sewing  machine to a convention?)

This year, I will remember my camera. And the charger. And a spare battery. And the cord. No repeats of last year, when I got to take one picture and then my battery died on me. I want pictures, dammit!

I'll have more details on the costumes once we get back. I also finished a knitting project, but I can't show it off just yet because it's for CENSORED. I'm a sketch and a photo shoot away from a finished book proposal. If I'm very, very lucky I'll be able to send it off before we got to Symposium, but with everything on my plate right now I kind of doubt it.

Lastly: I declare the week of April 28 to be Steampunk Week. that's when you'll get the rundown on the costumes, the con, and probably some tea, so stick around!


  1. Looking forward to learning about your experiences at the con. The steampunks were advertising when I attended the Animation & Gaming con there recently. They were happy to talk typewriters with me and I bet you'll get good reactions if you try writing a typecast. And the grand prize at the cosplay contest was a sewing machine!

    1. I'm debating about taking a typewriter with me. I've got the 20's Remington that doesn't work so well (and doesn't fit well in it's case) but would be more period-appropriate, but the better machine is my 70's Sterling, though it would stand out almost as bad as my laptop. Of course, hauling the Olive or the KMM is completely out of the question.

      Nothing for it. I'll just have to buy a new machine. Woe is me. :)

    2. I know a bloke in Cincinnati with hundreds. I bet he'd lend you a spare for the weekend.

    3. Rob is correct. Feel free to ask me to borrow a typewriter. I bet this one would go over well:

    4. That is actually the same typewriter that one of my steampunk characters uses in a story! Gorgeous.

      It looks like I might be getting one from Bill, but we'll see if it arrives in time.

  2. I await your Steampunk photos and report(s). How about a Skyriter?

    1. That's a possibility...I'm hoping for something from more the 20s-30s that will blend in a little better, or before but those are hard to come by and probably not the best option for a travel machine.
